January 2020

Very best wishes to you all…..
.........................Jeff Jarratt...........................

Times have changed and for a long while now most people will automatically upload their photographs to the social media sites like Facebook or Instagram etc rather than login to a website like this one. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to have shared the memories of the many hundreds of you who have sent us your photographs over the last twenty years but the time has come for us to say that this will be the last page in our collection. I wish all of you a very happy and healthy 2020 and beyond......... Jeff Jarratt

........................................................and so to our final pictures:

Ricky Tong who crossed on 2nd January 2020.............
Janine - who said that this was her making her 'Dream Crossing' on 30th November 2019.............
....and quite appropriately for our last additions, two people who have probably travelled from Germany and visited the Crossing on more occasions than most other Beatles fans, Jutta and George Moeller who write:

"Dear Jeff, here are our photos for this year. We crossed on 21st December 2019. We are Jutta ..............

and George Moeller from Essen, Germany and have crossed several times in the last 10 years and are very proud of it! Many regards - George"

............Thanks for the pictures George and I'm sure you'll be making many more trips in the future! Jeff